2024 Programme
Event #43
Saturday, August 31st, 10:45 AM - Sunday, September 1st, 10:45 AM
extraFestivalSpazio Hera, cinema Moderno3 free entry with ticket
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Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students
Your turn! The festival audience in dialogue with psychologists.
We have often insisted that the problems of the new generations stem from a lack of boundaries, minimal frustrations, and excessive love, losing sight of the emotional and profound truth of our affective and educational relationships. Enveloped by these beliefs, we have too often failed to love our children and students for who they truly are, to thank them for what they have taught us, and for the emotions they have awakened in us. The time has come to change that.
Il Minotauro - Istituto di Analisi dei Codici Affettivi is composed of psychologists and psychotherapists who have been collaborating in research, training, consultation, and psychotherapy for forty years.
Loredana Cirillo, psychologist and psychotherapist, is a member of the Minotauro Institute, where she serves as a lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Specialization. She also teaches at the Department of Psychology at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Among her publications: “L’adolescente. Psicopatologia e psicoterapia evolutiva” (with M. Lancini, T. Scodeggio, T. Zanella, Cortina, 2020); “Figli di internet” (with M. Lancini, Erickson, 2022); “Soffrire di adolescenza. Il dolore muto di una generazione” (Cortina, to be printed, 2024)..
Filippo Rosa is a psychologist, psychotherapist in training, and a member of the Technology Addiction team at the Minotauro Institute. He works in clinical and research activities focused on developmental challenges and is actively involved in prevention, training, and awareness projects in secondary schools. He collaborates with the SiR Consortium (Solidarity in Network) by conducting psycho-educational and expressive-artistic workshops in correctional institutions.
Event #43extraFestival
Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students