Luce Irigaray
is head of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique in Paris. She has a multi-disciplinary training in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, psychoanalysis, and she has been practicing yoga for more than three decades. She is engaged in the construction of a culture of two subjects, male and female, bearers of different values, but equally important in developing connections and civilizations both within the private sphere and in a world human community. Many of her books have been published in Italian: In tutto il mondo siamo sempre in due (2006), Oltre i propri confini (2007), Sessi e genealogie (2007), all by Dalai; Il mistero di Maria (Paoline Editoriale Libri, 2010); and Essere due (1994), La democrazia comincia a due (1994), L’oblio dell’aria (1996), La via dell’amore (2008), Condividere il mondo (2009), Una nuova cultura dell’energia (2011), all by Bollati Boringhieri.