the first European festival on creativity


Georges Didi-Huberman

Georges Didi-Huberman is a philosopher and art historian who teaches in the Faculty of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. He has lived in Rome (as a boarder at the French Academy in Villa Medici), in Florence (at the Bernard Berenson Foundation), and in London (at the Warburg Institute). An expert in aesthetics, many of his essays on representation, the history of images and visual theory have been translated in Italian: Aprire Venere (Einaudi, 2001); Ex voto (Cortina, 2007); Il gioco delle evidenze (Fazi, 2008); La pittura incarnata (Il Saggiatore, 2008); L’immagine aperta (Bruno Mondadori, 2008); L’invenzione dell’isteria (Marietti, 2008); and Beato Angelico (Abscondida, 2009). Electa published George Didi-Huberman su Penone (2008); Il cubo e il volto (2008); and Sculture d’ombra (2009); while Bollati Boringhieri published, L’immagine insepolta (2006); Storia dell’arte e anacronismo delle immagini (2007); La somiglianza per contatto (2009); and Come le lucciole (2010).
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