the first European festival on creativity


Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami

Giovanni F. Bignami
Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami

is an astrophysicist and writer. He has been present for some of the most important space physics missions of the past 40 years, and researches and tells the story of the sky as it can be seen from the Earth. As president of the Italian Space Agency and of the National Astrophysics Institute, he has tried (in vain) to focus our uncertain national investments on research, also drawing from his experience as the first Italian to head up the World Committee on Space Research. He is a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and of the Academy of France – country which has also appinted him with the Legion of Honor.  He is learning more and more on science communication: today he is a collaborator for Repubblica and l'Espresso and the author of ten books which have been translated in many languages. For years, h has also had the privilege of working on television beside Piero Angela, and is the creator of programs for Nat Geo Channel and RAI Scuola.


From the stars to Life: one, one hundred, one thousand Earths

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