the first European festival on creativity


Mario Botta

Mario Botta The work of Mario Botta is inspired by masters such as Le Corbusier, Louis I.Kahn and Carlo Scarpa. Architecture and memory are inseparable in that thechanges architecture brings about become part of the human landscape. Theimportance of light as a source of space and primary geometric shapes are whatcharacterise his studies. From the single family homes in Canton Ticino onwardshis work has been very varied: schools, administrative buildings, libraries andmuseums, including MoMA in San Francisco and MART at Rovereto, religious buildingssuch as Evry Cathedral and a synagogue in Tel Aviv. His most recent books are: Quasiun diario (Le Lettere, 2003); Il Teatro alla Scala, Restauro e ristrutturazione (Skira 2005); Architetture delSacro Preghiere di Pietra (Compositori, 2005); with Dario Fertilio, LaLingua degli angeli (Skira, 2006).
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