the first European festival on creativity

2015 Programme

Event #11

Guido Barbujani

We're the Africans

They were once the sole inhabitants of Europe: Neanderthals, a type of hominid different from us both in physical appearance and culture, but who, like us, would hunt in groups and, while not shying away from violence, is known to have cared for its disabled members. Today only we are left. How this happened – why, sixty thousand years ago, a group of humans came out of Africa, leading to what would soon be the extinction of all pre-existing human life-forms – is still something we aren't able to explain with certainty. We can, however, find some answers by studying our human genome; perhaps also understanding that, while each of us is different, our species – so mobile, and with such a tendency towards migration and exchange – never came to develop the different groups of biologically homogeneous individuals that in other species are known as races.

Guido Barbujani
Guido Barbujani

has worked at the State University of New York in Stony Brook, at the universities of London, Padova and Bologna, and has taught Genetics at the Università di Ferrara since 1996. He studies human biodiversity and ancient DNA. He is a contributor to Sole 24 Ore. He has published novels, which include Dilettanti (Marsilio, 1993), Dopoguerra (Sironi, 2002), Questioni di razza (Mondadori, 2006), and scientific essays, such as L’invenzione delle razze (Bompiani, 2006), Sono razzista, ma sto cercando di smettere (with P. Cheli, ≪i Libri del Festival della Mente≫, Laterza,2008), Europei senza se e senza ma (Bompiani, 2008). His latest book is called Lascia stare i santi. Una storia di reliquie e di scienziati (Einaudi, 2014).


All theevents2015


Event #1

Luciano Canfora

Augustus: the political ethics of a republican monarch

Event #2

Jim Al-Khalili

The secret ingredient of life

Event #3

Eraldo Affinati, Salvatore Lombardo

An act of humanity to be performed

Event #4

Anna Bonaiuto

Anna Bonaiuto reads Elena Ferrante

Event #6

Alessandro Barbero

The historian's responsibility. Gaetano Salvemini: from Socialist interventionism to anti-Fascism

Event #7

Andrea Moro

Beyond the boundaries of Babel

Event #8Approfonditamente

Marco Rossi-Doria, Giulia Tosoni

Kids and school: what, how and where are they learning

Event #9

Massimo Ammaniti

How the sense of Us is born: from We-go to Ego

Event #10

Paolo Ferri

Generation 2.0

Event #11

Guido Barbujani

We're the Africans

Event #13Approfonditamente

Adolfo Ceretti, Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Alfredo Verde

Gender-based violence: Perpetrators, victims and models of intervention.

Event #14

Mario Brunello, Manolo

The mountain and silence

Event #15

Edoardo Albinati

In praise of the best student in class

Event #17

Aldo Colonetti, Italo Rota

The space we live in is nothing but an extension of our minds

Event #18

Carlo Toffalori

Mathematics, algorithms and freedom

Event #18 BIS

Carlo Toffalori

Mathematics, algorithms and freedom

Event #19

Matteo Nucci

Oedipus’ eyes and Plato’s complex

Event #19 BIS

Matteo Nucci

Oedipus’ eyes and Plato’s complex

Event #21

Giuseppe Battiston, Piero Sidoti

LA LA LA. When there is no answer

Event #22

Alessandro Barbero

The historian’s responsibility. Marc Bloch: from the Sorbonne to the Gestapo prisons

Event #24

Marco Martella

Returning to the garden

Event #26

Eugenio Borgna, Simonetta Fiori

Knowing ourselves and knowing others: a different way of being responsible

Event #27

Tito Baldini

 “Borderline” kids meet the adult world

Event #28

Melania G. Mazzucco

A painting for freedom

Event #29

Luca Mastrantonio

Cruciverba volant (unbuckle your seatbelts)

Event #31

Lina Bolzoni

Theatres of memory between enchantment and utopia

Event #35

James R. Flynn, Armando Massarenti

Without an alibi: a voyage across life’s greatest questions

Event #36

Géza & The Bohemian Vitruosi

Music in voyage, or a voyage into music

Event #38

Alessandro Barbero

The historian’s responsibility. Ernst Kantorowicz: from the Freikorps to McCarthyism

Event #39Children / Kids

Massimiliano Tappari

Finding wonder close to home

Event #41Children / Kids

Sergio Noberini

Discovering Luzzati’s universe

Event #42Children / Kids

Elisa Pezzolla

Emanuele Luzzati in a workshop

Event #44Children / Kids

FabLab Imola

Let’s learn how to build our own toys

Event #46Children / Kids

Alessandro Sanna

How to draw animals with a happy hand

Event #49Children / Kids

Centro DreamsLab

Try a 3D experience in history and science

Event #54Children / Kids

Lele Lomazzi

Let’s become songwriters

Event #55Children / Kids

FabLab Imola

The 3D printer: an idea becomes an object

Event #56

Davide Sapienza

On a walk with a writer-traveller

Event #58Children / Kids

Margherita Loy

Let’s make the Pop Art of the 2000s

Event #59Children / Kids

Mara Cerri

What’s under the bed?

Event #60Children / Kids

Davide Sapienza

Adventure into Everywhere

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