the first European festival on creativity

2011 Programme

Evento n.18

Vittorio Gregotti

City, metropolis and urban design

According to many disciplines, discussing the crisis of the city or the post-metropolis phenomenon means to try and describe their condition of permanent transition. Are we seeing the triumph of globalized and neo-colonial financial capitalism, of non-material communications, and of time over space? Or can we imagine a spatial order starting from a critique of the existing state of things, that could make possible a new civic approach to urban design? It is perhaps possible to think that the current acceleration can overcome its hypnotic capacity and turn into a new normality—into materials that can answer questions of meaning and propose new forms of urban architecture inspired by common interests.Molte discipline affermano che parlare dello stato di crisi della città o del fenomeno delle postmetropoli significhi cercare di descriverne la condizione di transizione permanente. Si tratta quindi del trionfo del pensiero del capitalismo finanziario, globalizzato e neocoloniale, delle comunicazioni immateriali e del trionfo del tempo sullo spazio da cui è necessario dipendere? Oppure è pensabile un ordine spaziale, partendo da una critica allo stato delle cose, che renda possibile una nuova concezione civile del disegno urbano? Forse è possibile pensare che le accelerazioni con cui ci confrontiamo possano superare la loro attuale capacità ipnotica, trasformandosi in nuova normalità, cioè in materiali disponibili a rispondere a interrogativi di senso, in grado di proporre nuove forme di un’architettura urbana dell’interesse collettivo.


Vittorio Gregotti

born in 1927, is a well-known Italian architect. In 1974 he founded Gregotti Associates, of which he is the current president. He has been professor of architecture at Venice, Milan and Palermo universities, and visiting professor at the universities of Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Lausanne, Harvard, Philadelphia, Princeton, Cambridge and at the M.I.T. Between 1974 and 1976, Gregotti was head of the visual arts and architecture section of the Venice Biennale. He is a member of the Academies of San Luca and of Brera, and has received honorary degrees from the Prague, Bucharest and Porto polytechnics. He is a member of the League of German Architects and of the American Institute of Architects. He has been editor in chief of Casabella, Edilizia Moderna, and Rassegna, and is a frequent contributor to Corriere della Sera and la Repubblica. His books include: Contro la fine dell’architettura (2008), Tre forme di architettura mancata (2010), Architettura e postmetropoli (2011), all published by Einaudi; also, Incertezze e simulazioni (Skira, 2011).

All theevents2011


Evento n.1

Chiara Saraceno

Too much inequality hinders everyone’s well-being

Evento n.2

Giuseppe Penone, Sergio Risaliti

Flowing in time like a river pebble

Evento n.3

Kinds of lies

Evento n.4

Edoardo Boncinelli

What is life? Can artificial life exist?

Evento n.6

Zygmunt Bauman

Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook

Evento n.7

Alessandro Barbero

How did Middle Ages men think? The friar

Evento n.8

Francesco Piccolo

How to write a screenplay

Evento n.10

Maurizio Bettini

Mythological forms of memory in ancient Greece and Rome

Evento n.11

Almudena Grandes, Ranieri Polese

History from the viewpoint of women

Evento n.12

Adriano Prosperi

Crime and forgiveness

Evento n.14

Gian Carlo Calza

Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West

Evento n.16

Marco Belpoliti

As you have seen it on tv

Evento n.17

Salvatore Veca

On philosophical imagination

Evento n.18

Vittorio Gregotti

City, metropolis and urban design

Evento n.19

Enzo Bianchi

Paths of humanization

Evento n.20

Patrizia Cavalli

Poetry knows everything first

Evento n.21

Edoardo Boncinelli

What is life? Life is communication

Evento n.23

Silvio Orlando

Diderot, Rameau and other paradoxes

Evento n.24

Alessandro Barbero

How did Middle Ages men think? The merchant

Evento n.26

Franco Borgogno

In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity

Evento n.27

Giuseppe Bertolucci, Emanuele Trevi

In words and pictures: cinema and literature

Evento n.28

Michela Marzano

Mind and body: anorexia, or the enigma of desire

Evento n.29

Alfonso Berardinelli

Intellectual types, styles and powers

Evento n.30

Luca Scarlini

The power of images, the images of power

Evento n.31

Felice Cimatti

Mind, communication and language in animals, including Homo sapiens

Evento n.32

Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna

Regretting the families of yesteryear?

Evento n.33

Alberto Manguel

The Muse of impossibility

Evento N.34

Ennio Peres

Mathematics is the game of life

Evento N.35

Luce Irigaray

Saving human energy. Breathing: a source of universal sharing

Evento n.36

Edoardo Boncinelli

What is life? Life yesterday, today and tomorrow

Evento n.37

Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni

A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse

Evento n.39

Alessandro Barbero

How did Middle Ages men think? The knight

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