2012 Programme
Event #15
Giacomo Marramao
Power, creativity, change
After being long neglected the topic of power is back at the center of philosophical consideration. For Giacomo Marramao, the constant of Power—its “heart of darkness”—is seated in a paranoid complex which has been rooted since its origin in a perversion of the logic of identity, an identity obsession viewing all strangers as threats and viewing the stranger’s death or humiliation as a source of life. The innermost nature of power relations is thus shown to be the congealment, ossification and subjugation of creativity. Therefore drawing a line of rupture and op position to Power today means not only ensuring the freedom of transformation of individuals and communities, but above all enhancing their ability to think and to create new worlds that represent an alternative to the current state of things.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy and Political Philosophy at the the University of Roma Tre and Professor of Political Theories at the Department of Political Science of the Sorbonne in Paris. He is the director of the Fondazione Basso, a member of the Collège International de Philosophie and honorary professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania. He has been Visiting Professor to important European, American and Asian universities. In his research he has developed a critical theory of society focusing on the relationship between time and power. Lately he has been dealing with the logic and dynamics of change in the globalized world. His books, translated into many languages, include: Contro il potere. Filosofia e scrittura (Bompiani, 2011); Dopo il Leviatano (1995); Potere e secolarizzazione (1983); La passione del presente (2008); Passaggio a Occidente. Filosofia e globalizzazione (2009). Bollati Boringhieri is about to publish his latest work, Potere.
Event #3
Anna Salvo
Sorrow is like a telescope that helps us look into the distance: creatività and suffering
Event #4
Andrea Moro
I speak, therefore I am Like the starry sky: visions of language across the centuries
Event #28
Mauro Agnoletti, Ilaria Borletti Buitoni
Culture, environment, landscape. For a possible, sustainable future