2013 Programme
Stefano Bartezzaghi, Massimo Recalcati
To inherit or to be creative? Art in the time of disoriented generations
Between psychoanalysis and ordinary language, Bartezzaghi and Recalcati outline in their dialogue the many interconnections of tradition and innovation, of the misunderstandings of creativity and the miracles of artistic creation. Tradition is nurtured and renewed from generation to generation: continuity takes turns with rupture, as symbolized by J. Pollock’s gesture of using horizontal canvases. But today a desire of innovation at all costs—in society, in politics, in art, in thinking—seems to be burning past experiences that are still alive. Also, the fathers-children relation seems to have come to an end, and we tend to recognize the authority of only a few “grandfathers” or “hallowed masters”. Do we really have to reject the inheritance of our predecessors in order to become independent? Could we not make it genuinely “generative? And if so, how?
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is an expert of linguistic games, puzzles and their history. Since 2000 he writes a column (Lessico e Nuvole) in la Repubblica. His books include: L’elmo di don Chisciotte. Contro la mitologia della creatività (for the series «i Libri del Festival della Mente», Editori Laterza, 2009); Come dire (Mondadori, 2011); L’orizzonte verticale (2007), Scrittori giocatori (2010), Dando buca a Godot (2012) for Einaudi; Il falò delle novità. La creatività ai tempi dei cellulari intelligenti (Utet, 2013).
Massimo Recalcati,is a member of Società Milanese di Psicoanalisi (Psychoanalytical Society of Milan). He is the founder of Jonas - Centre of Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice for New Symptoms, and the scientific director of a postgraduate school in psychotherapy at IRPA (Research Institute of Applied Psychoanalysis) in Milan. He teaches at the University of Verona and at IULM University of Milan. Since 2003, he has been director and lecturer of the postgraduate school in New Symptoms Clinic at the Jonas Onlus centre in Milan. He is currently a supervisor at the Gruber Centre in Bologna for serious cases of eating disorders. He contributes to the cultural sections of la Repubblica and La Stampa. Since 2014, he has directed the Eredi series for Feltrinelli. Since 2020, he has collaborated with Maurizio Balsamo and co-edited the journal “Frontiere della psicoanalisi”, published by Il Mulino. His numerous publications are translated into several languages. His latest book, “La legge del desiderio”, will be released in August.
ph. credits: Settimio Benedusi
Stefano Bartezzaghi, Massimo Recalcati
To inherit or to be creative? Art in the time of disoriented generations