2013 Programme
Massimo Montanari
Speaking of food in times of crisis
What does it mean to talk about food in our times of crisis? Is this an escape from reality, a way of dealing with it, or just an excuse to think about it? An actual fact people have always talked a lot about food, thug it is only in the last few decades that the topic has been gaining more and more media attention. In times of crisis the discussion on food becomes richer and more diverse: people talk about pleasure and hunger, cuisine and the economy, health and security, conviviality and the environment. People raise questions on issues such as food waste, the need for a better use of our food resources in our homes as well as on a planetary scale. People reflect on the role food has been playing in defining people’s identities in history. And they talk a lot about food because it has an amazing ability to express the complexity of our world in an apparently simple way (duration: approx. 120’).
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/(1949) is Professor of Medieval History and History of Food at Bologna University, and head of the European Masters Degree Program on the History and Culture of Food. Following are some of his many books: L’alimentazione contadina nell’alto Medioevo (Liguori Editore, 1979); Atlante dell'alimentazione e della gastronomia (with F. Sabban, UTET, 2004). For Editori Laterza he published: Alimentazione e cultura nel Medioevo (1988), Convivio (3 voll., 1989-1992), La fame e l'abbondanza (1993), Il pentolino magico (1995), Storia dell’alimentazione (with J.-L. Flandrin, 1997), La cucina italiana (with A. Capatti, 1999), Il cibo come cultura (2004), Il formaggio con le pere (2008), Il riposo della polpetta e altre storie intorno al cibo (2009), L’identità italiana in cucina (2010), Gusti del Medioevo (2012).
Stefano Bartezzaghi, Massimo Recalcati
To inherit or to be creative? Art in the time of disoriented generations