2024 Programme
Event #32
Saturday 31st August_10.00 am_11.45 am
Children / KidsFirmafede Fortress fosse4 - euro 4.50
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Beatrice Zerbini
Thank you, houses! Thank you, things!
Travelling poetry workshop for 8-12-year-olds, 60 minutes, 25 participants
Embark on a journey to uncover the poetry of life and the gifts it offers. Gratitude fosters connections, linking us to our emotions and to those who have brought about this state of grace, making us aware of the beauty that surrounds us. Together, we will observe the world, walk in its shoes, and write a letter of thanks.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Beatrice Zerbini is a poet born in Bologna. She has authored” In comode rate. Poesie d’amore” (Interno Poesia, 2019), “Mezze stagioni” (AnimaMundi, 2021), and “D'amore” (Interno Poesia, 2022). She also wrote the texts for the picture books “Padre Nostro” and “Non avere paura”, published by Carthusia (2023) and illustrated by Sonia Maria Luce Possentini. With the Una Nessuna Centomila Foundation, she launched the project “Poesia. Una Nessuna Centomila”, organising poetry workshops in schools.
ph. credits: Daniele Ferroni
Event #43extraFestival
Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students