the first European festival on creativity

2023 Programme

Event #10

Francesca Mannocchi

Wonder during war: is it possible?

The word ‘monster’ comes from the Latin ‘monstrum’, meaning miracle, amazement, a phenomenon against the laws of nature between men and the earth. Is wonder possible during war? At war, one is forced to be amazed; to observe every corruption of the human soul, every brutality and, at the same time, every resistance to life, every act of survival as the miracle of life that endures. Narrating wonder, in wartime, means not surrendering to the habit of others’ pain, of considering normal, ordinary, what we have already seen. After seeing five, ten, too many refugee camps, those two words become one, an idea, a normalised concept: refugeecamp. Narrating men’s despair is instead a reminder that we must not accustom our eyes, our spirit, to this. Narrating war means remembering the amazement, preserving – through memory – the struggle of those who survive.


Francesca Mannocchi

Francesca Mannocchi, Italian journalist and writer, writes about migration and conflicts and contribute to Italian and international newspapers. She has covered several stories in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, Yemen. She has published: “Porti ciascuno la sua colpa” (Laterza, 2019), “Libia” (ink Mondadori, 2020), “Io Khaled vendo uomini e sono innocente” (Einaudi, 2019), “Bianco è il colore del danno” (Einaudi, 2021) and “Lo sguardo oltre il confine” (DeAgostini, 2022).

All theevents2023


Event #1

Massimiliano Valerii

The trial of Galileo Galilei: wonder and disenchantment

Event #2

Franco Lorenzoni

Educating against the wind

Event #3

Paolo Giordano

Wonder between nature and knowledge

Event #4

Chiara Civello

I am what I am

Event #5

Matteo Nucci

A philosopher's wonder: Plato

Event #6

Erika Fatland, Alberto Riva

The wonder of wanderlust

Event #8

Guido Tonelli

Matter. The wonderful illusion

Event #9

Vittorio Lingiardi

Dreams as neuro-wonder

Event #9 BIS

Vittorio Lingiardi

Dreams as neuro-wonder

Event #10

Francesca Mannocchi

Wonder during war: is it possible?

Event #12

Sabrina Speich

Wonderful, immense sea

Event #13

Massimo Zamboni

Wild bestiary. An illustrated reading

Event #14

Massimo Recalcati

The trauma of loss and the working-through of a bereavement

Event #15

Martina Mazzotta

Wunderkammer: art, science, wonder. From the Renaissance until the present day

Event #16

Matteo Nucci

A poet’s wonder: Omer

Event #17

Alessandro Barbero

1204: the Crusaders discover Constantinople

Event #17 BIS

Alessandro Barbero

1204: the Crusaders discover Constantinople

Event #18

Cinzia Spanò, Roberta Di Mario

Reading Lolita in Tehran. Reading concert

Event #19

Alberto Rollo

The Humble Beauty of Ditches and Majesties

Event #22

Carlo Stanga, Giulia Capodieci

Wunderkit: five objects for creativity

Event #23

Veronica Barassi, Gerd Gigerenzer

Generative AI and the Wonder of Human Intelligence

Event #24

Alessandro Zaccuri

Wonderfully. Learning wonder from literature

Event #25

Nazareth Castellanos

Discovering our mind through the wonders of our body

Event #26

Massimo Recalcati

Wonderful nostalgia

Event #27

Elena Stancanelli, Bernardo Zannoni

Out of the blue: wandering to find wonder

Event #28

Matteo Nucci

A novelist’s wonder: Gabriel García Márquez

Event #29

Francesco Costa

Wonderfully informed

Event #33Children / Kids

MadLab 2.0

Have you ever seen a 3D hologram?

Event #36Children / Kids

Cristina Bellemo

Did you know that the world has a sound?

Event #38Children / Kids

Marco Somà

To infinity… and beyond!

Event #39Children / Kids

Willy Guasti

Soft-hearted animals… And more!

Event #40Children / Kids

Sergio Rossi

Water: the world's strangest substance!

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