2014 Programme
Evento #25
Daniele Novara
Arguing Is Good for You
What is the relationship between the difficulties a young person has managing adversity and conflicts, and his or her inclination to violence? That is to say, could it be that individuals who as children cannot manage conflicts will become violent adults? Violence can indeed stem from “a lack of conflict”, that is, young people’s difficulties in tolerating frustration in the event of relational contrast. This deficit occurs when as a child you don’t learn how to “argue properly”. Thanks to the research conducted by the staff of Daniele Novara, it will be possible to prevent violence and uphold the individual capacity of valorizing conflicts not as a death threat but as a relational resource.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/educationist, professor of Intercultural Education at the Università Cattolica in Milan, directs the Scuola Genitori in Piacenza and Milan. In 1989 he founded the Centro Psicopedagogico per la Pace e la gestione dei conflitti. His publications include: Dalla parte dei genitori. Strumenti per vivere bene il proprio ruolo educativo (Franco Angeli, 2009); La grammatica dei conflitti. L’arte maieutica di trasformare le contrarietà in risorse (Sonda, 2011); Litigare con metodo. Gestire i litigi dei bambini a scuola, with C. Di Chio (Erickson, 2013); Litigare fa bene. Insegnare ai propri figli a gestire i conflitti per crescerli più sicuri e felici (Rizzoli, 2013).
Event #20
Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris, Marcello Massimini
The Secret of the Consciousness and its Measurement