the first European festival on creativity


Maurizio Cheli


Maurizio Cheli  is an astronaut, test pilot and entrepreneur. In 1983 he was assigned as an operational pilot on the famous F-104G. In 1996, on board the Space Shuttle Columbia, he took part in the STS-75 Tethered Satellite mission where he was the first Italian to hold the position of Mission Specialist. In the same year he was hired by Alenia Aeronautica and was appointed Chief Test Pilot for defence aircraft. In 2005 he founded CFM Air, a start-up which deals with the design of advanced light aircraft and the following year he founded DigiSky, which develops electronics for sport aircraft. In 2018 he reached the 8848-metre summit of Mount Everest. He wrote Tutto in un istante. Le decisioni che tracciano il viaggio di una vita (Minerva, 2016).

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