2022 Programme
Event #10
Riccardo Staglianò
Digital sultans
The new masters of the world are looking for a plan B for human life. But would it not be easier if we paid taxes on Earth? Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX) share an endless love for space. They both did not pay a cent for taxes in the past years. Yet they are the richest men of the world, the so-called giga capitalists, worthier than entire countries. Just think about it: if it was a real nation, Facebook would have the population of all China and India combined. The only difference is that Mark Zuckerberg can simply confer with his board of directors to take his decisions, and not with a Parliament. But power and responsibilities should be balanced. Time has come to stir up against Western oligarchs. Before it is too late.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/*Booking fee required by the sales channel.
(Viareggio, 1968), correspondent of Venerdì di Repubblica, after working from New York for the monthly Reset and for the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. From 2000 to 2010 he taught New Media at the Third University of Rome. As a writer, he is the author of various books including Al posto tuo. Così web e robot ci stanno rubando il lavoro (2016), Lavoretti. Così la sharing economy ci rende tutti più poveri (2018), L’affittacamere del mondo. Airbnb è la nostra salvezza o la rovina delle città? (2020), Gigacapitalisti (2022) all published by Einaudi. He was curator of three TEDx talks in 2011, 2012 and 2015.
Event #2
Lilia Giugni, Lorenza Pieri
Digital revolution and gender-based violence. Global stories and perspectives.
Event #8
Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti
Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)
Event #8 BIS
Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti
Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)