2019 Programme
Event #25
Roberto Celada Ballanti
The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?
From the modern religious wars to the current fundamentalist upheavals, the dialogue between faiths has been fraught with difficulties. In a time – like ours – when multiculturalism imposes relations between ethnic groups, world views and religions, when globalization reshapes the planetary order, and when God or the gods are subjected to permanent metamorphosis, there is a need for a dialogue paradigm that goes beyond the concept of tolerance, inadequate to face the challenges of the third millennium. Are there paths that would make it possible, in the present religious Babel, to think of a peaceful agony that respects the polyphonic diversity in unity?
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Roberto Celada Ballanti is full professor of Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Interreligious Dialogue at the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History of the University of Genoa. Among his works: Erudizione e teodicea. Saggio sulla concezione della storia di G.W. Leibniz (Liguori, 2004); Pensiero religioso liberale. Lineamenti, figure, prospettive (Morcelliana, 2009); Filosofia e religione. Studi su Karl Jaspers (Le Lettere, 2012); Religione, storia, libertà. Studi di filosofia della religione (Liguori, 2014); La parabola dei tre anelli. Migrazioni e metamorfosi di un racconto tra Oriente e Occidente (Storia e Letteratura, 2017).
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)
Event #16Approfonditamente
Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta
Yesterday’s and tomorrow's diets. How to survive fake news?
Event #21
Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini
Ernst Henry Shackleton. The hero who defeated the Arctic
Event #25
Roberto Celada Ballanti
The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?
Event #31Approfonditamente
Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini
The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)
Event #62didatticaMente
Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini
The emotive education of the hyper-connected generation