2019 Programme
Event #66
Andrea Germinario
Educative robotics
Educative robotics is a simple and practical approach to bring children closer to coding and to STEM subjects unifying learning, science and play. This lecture-workshop will show the most recent educational resources and technologies in order to innovate and bring students – since childhood to high school time – into close future, where robotics will be present in all occupations.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Andrea Germinario is and informatic engineer. He was scientific tutor for the Festival della Scienza of Genoa, Italy. Since 2017 he works for the Scuola di Robotica of Genoa where he conducts courses about educative robotics and software development on humanoid robots for professors and students. The Scuola di Robotica is an educating institution recognized by the MIUR that operates to bring technology and robotics in the world of education, promoting an ethic and conscious use of these new tools.
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)
Event #16Approfonditamente
Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta
Yesterday’s and tomorrow's diets. How to survive fake news?
Event #21
Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini
Ernst Henry Shackleton. The hero who defeated the Arctic
Event #25
Roberto Celada Ballanti
The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?
Event #31Approfonditamente
Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini
The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)
Event #62didatticaMente
Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini
The emotive education of the hyper-connected generation