the first European festival on creativity


Mario Calabresi

Mario Calabresi

writer and journalist, born in 1970 in Milan, has been director of the daily newspaper La Stampa since 2009. He has worked as a Parliament reporter for ANSA and for La Stampa’s Roman headquarters. He was central editor-in-chief of la Repubblica, and in 2007-2008 he was the New York correspondent for the same newspaper throughout the presidential campaign and for Barack Obama’s election. He has written Spingendo la notte più in là. Storia della mia famiglia e di altre vittime del terrorismo (2007); La fortuna non esiste. Storie di uomini e donne che hanno avuto il coraggio di rialzarsi (2009); Cosa tiene accese le stelle. Storie di italiani che non hanno mai smesso di credere nel futuro (2011), all of which have been published by Mondadori. His most recent book is called A occhi aperti and it contains interviews with ten great photographers who describe moments when history came to a standstill in a photograph (Contrasto, 2013). In 2011 he conducted the TV programme “Hotel Patria” for Rai 3.


Rediscovering Reason in Order to Avoid a Shipwreck

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