the first European festival on creativity

2017 Programme

Event #31

B. Fantini, T. Pievani, S. Pimpinelli, F. Rufo

The code of life

It was 1866 when Gregor Mendel first published his research on the laws governing the transmission of hereditary traits from one generation to the next. The article went mostly unnoticed, to be rediscovered in 1900. An event which set off exceptional discoveries and the birth of new fields of research: genetics and molecular biology. The development of these sciences has allowed us to gain basic knowledge of the biological structures and functions of living beings, and opened up the possibility of manipulating the genome, one of the most extraordinary advancements in current research. The ability to act on the level of essential biological mechanisms marks the beginning of a new and delicate phase of knowledge, destined to cause changes in terms of concepts and culture and to spur crucial questions both in ethics and politics.


Bernardino Fantini

is professor emeritus in History of biomedical sciences at the University of Geneva.

Telmo Pievani

Telmo Pievani is Professor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences at the University of Padua, where he also teaches Bioethics and Naturalistic Disclosure. He collaborates with Corriere della Sera, Le Scienze, Micromega and L'Indice dei Libri del Mese. He is the author of numerous publications, including: “La vita inaspettata” (2011), “Imperfezione” (2019), “Serendipità” (2021), “Il giro del mondo nell'Antropocene” (with M. Varotto and maps by F. Ferrarese, 2022) for Cortina; “La terra dopo di noi” (with F. Lanting, Contrasto, 2019); “DNA” (Mondadori, 2020); “E avvertirono il cielo. La nascita della cultura” (with C. Simi, Jaca Book, 2020); “Viaggio nell'Italia dell'Antropocene” (with M. Varotto, Aboca Edizioni, 2021); “La natura è più grande di noi” (Solferino, 2022). His latest book “Tutti i mondi possibili” (Cortina) will be published at the end of August.
ph. credits: Gerardo Ozuna

Sergio Pimpinelli

is professor emeritus in Genetics at La Sapienza University.

Fabrizio Rufo

teaches bioethics at the faculty of Mathematical, physical and natural sciences of La Sapienza University in Rome.

All theevents2017


Event #1

Friday 1 September 2017, 05.45 pm

Elena Cattaneo

The networks that are good for science

Event #5

Friday 1 September 2017, 09.15 pm

Marco Albino Ferrari

Enchantment. From Val Grande to the polar icecaps

Event #6

Friday 1 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of spies: doctor Sorge in Tokyo

Event #9

Saturday 2 September 2017, 10.00 am

Franco Lorenzoni

Weaving relationships through silence and listening

Event #10

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.45 am

Axel Fiacco, Massimo Scaglioni

From networks to formats: creativity on television

Event #13

Saturday 2 September 2017, 12.15 pm

Giorgio Manzi

In the web of deep history: Lucy, Neanderthals and other stories

Event #14Approfonditamente

Saturday 2 September 2017, 02.45 pm

Matteo Cerri

Keeping cool: hibernation and the exotic network of its physiology

Event #15

Saturday 2 September 2017, 03.00 pm

Nicola Gardini

The beauty of occurring. Ovid and the network of metamorphoses

Event #24

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of partisans: the GAP groups in Rome and the attack in Via Rasella

Event #26

Sunday 3 September 2017, 10.00 am

Emanuele Biggi

Spiders, silk and spider webs: wonders of the unloved

Event #39

Sunday 3 September 2017, 09.00 pm

Centro Formazione Supereroi

Neverending stories. A challenge in literary improvisation

Event #41

Sunday 3 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of terrorists: the Red Brigades and the kidnapping of Aldo Moro

Event #48Children / Kids

Saturday 2 September_11.00 am_5.00 pm


The art of reclamation. DIY construction of a network of animals

Event #61Children / Kids

Sunday 3 September_4.00 pm_6.00

Else Edizioni

In your own words: from silent books to silk screen printing

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