the first European festival on creativity

2017 Programme

Event #12

Benedetta Craveri


Starting from the first decades of the 17th century, French élites developed and refined an art of living which would emerge as the central trait of the nation’s character up to the Revolution. For the first time in Western civilization, an entire society held up a mirror to itself, reflecting on the issue of communication and making this the distinctive feature of its identity. What was at stake was an art of eloquence that could be capable of diffusing aggressiveness, fostering social cohesion and producing entertainment, pleasure and culture. With the rise of Enlightenment, the debate around conversations changed its mark: for the philosophes it was to be placed in service of truth, opening to a dialogue around ideas. By becoming a powerful network of information, conversation thus changed from a form of entertainment for a happy few, into one of the main hotbeds of public opinion.


Benedetta Craveri
Benedetta Craveri

lives in Rome, Paris and Naples, where she teaches French literature at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University. Her books published by Adelphi include Madame du Deffand e il suo mondo (1982), La civiltà della conversazione (2001), Amanti e regine (2005), Maria Antonietta e lo scandalo della collana (2006) and Gli ultimi libertini (2016). She is a member of the administrative council of Fondazione Benedetto Croce in Naples and of the scientific council of the Joseph Brodsky cultural association. She has been a member of the Accademia dei Lincei since August 2016. In 2017 she received the Prix mondial Cino Del Duca-Institut de France. She writes for the culture section of la Repubblica.

All theevents2017


Event #1

Friday 1 September 2017, 05.45 pm

Elena Cattaneo

The networks that are good for science

Event #5

Friday 1 September 2017, 09.15 pm

Marco Albino Ferrari

Enchantment. From Val Grande to the polar icecaps

Event #6

Friday 1 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of spies: doctor Sorge in Tokyo

Event #9

Saturday 2 September 2017, 10.00 am

Franco Lorenzoni

Weaving relationships through silence and listening

Event #10

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.45 am

Axel Fiacco, Massimo Scaglioni

From networks to formats: creativity on television

Event #13

Saturday 2 September 2017, 12.15 pm

Giorgio Manzi

In the web of deep history: Lucy, Neanderthals and other stories

Event #14Approfonditamente

Saturday 2 September 2017, 02.45 pm

Matteo Cerri

Keeping cool: hibernation and the exotic network of its physiology

Event #15

Saturday 2 September 2017, 03.00 pm

Nicola Gardini

The beauty of occurring. Ovid and the network of metamorphoses

Event #24

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of partisans: the GAP groups in Rome and the attack in Via Rasella

Event #26

Sunday 3 September 2017, 10.00 am

Emanuele Biggi

Spiders, silk and spider webs: wonders of the unloved

Event #39

Sunday 3 September 2017, 09.00 pm

Centro Formazione Supereroi

Neverending stories. A challenge in literary improvisation

Event #41

Sunday 3 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of terrorists: the Red Brigades and the kidnapping of Aldo Moro

Event #48Children / Kids

Saturday 2 September_11.00 am_5.00 pm


The art of reclamation. DIY construction of a network of animals

Event #61Children / Kids

Sunday 3 September_4.00 pm_6.00

Else Edizioni

In your own words: from silent books to silk screen printing

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