the first European festival on creativity


Nicla Vassallo

Nicla Vassallo

the philosopher, obtained her specialization from King’s College London and is full professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the university of Genoa. Her research focuses on epistemology, metaphysics and gender studies. She has authored or co-authored over one hundred publications. These include: Filosofia delle donne (2007), Teoria della conoscenza (2008) published by Laterza; Piccolo trattato di epistemologia (Codice Edizioni, 2010); Per sentito dire (Feltrinelli, 2011); Conversazioni (illustrated by Francesca Biasetton, Mimesis, 2012). She sits on the boards and the scientific committees of leading scientific journals as well as associations and foundations. She contributes articles on culture and philosophy to Il Sole-24 Ore and La Repubblica’s Friday insert. She was awarded the Viaggio a Siracusa philosophy prize 2011. Her collection of poems Orlando in ordine sparso will be published by Mimesis next October.

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