2017 Programme
Event #10
Axel Fiacco, Massimo Scaglioni
From networks to formats: creativity on television
One of the most common preconceptions when speaking of television is the idea that, as a method of communication, TV is characterized by standardization, repetitiveness, lack of originality and vulgarity. As opposed to other areas of cultural production, such as literature and cinema, television features highly specific forms of industrial creativity that viewers are mostly unaware of, making them particularly interesting to explore. Formats (both in entertainment and fiction) perfectly represent this method of inventiveness. Through concrete and somewhat surprising examples, this talk aims to reveal the hidden mechanisms of TV creativity.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is the founder of BicFormats, a company specialized in creating formats for the international market. He has worked at Mediaset, MTV and Endemol Shine. He teaches Format Analysis and Transmedia format development at Università Cattolica in Milan, at USI (University of Italian Switzerland) in Lugano and other universities. His publications include: Fare televisione. I format (Laterza, 2013).
is an associate professor of History of the media and Media economics and marketing at Milan’s Università Cattolica. He manages the research activity at 02Ce.R.T.A. (a television and audiovisual research centre) and directs the Master’s course Fare TV. Gestione, sviluppo, comunicazione. His books include Il servizio pubblico televisivo. Morte o rinascita della RAI (Vita e Pensiero, 2016). He writes for Corriere della Sera.
Event #3
Sunday 3 September 2017, 07.00 pm
Matteo Nucci, Valentina Carnelutti
The net of Eros. Seduction
Event #5
Friday 1 September 2017, 09.15 pm
Marco Albino Ferrari
Enchantment. From Val Grande to the polar icecaps
Event #6
Friday 1 September 2017, 11.00 pm
Alessandro Barbero
Clandestine networks. A network of spies: doctor Sorge in Tokyo
Event #8
Saturday 2 September 2017, 10.00 am
Elliot Ackerman, Imma Vitelli
Experiencing and relating war
Event #9
Saturday 2 September 2017, 10.00 am
Franco Lorenzoni
Weaving relationships through silence and listening
Event #10
Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.45 am
Axel Fiacco, Massimo Scaglioni
From networks to formats: creativity on television
Event #11
Saturday 2 September 2017, 12.00 pm
Marco Malvaldi, Claudio Bartocci
The Web as a mathematical structure
Event #13
Saturday 2 September 2017, 12.15 pm
Giorgio Manzi
In the web of deep history: Lucy, Neanderthals and other stories
Event #14Approfonditamente
Saturday 2 September 2017, 02.45 pm
Matteo Cerri
Keeping cool: hibernation and the exotic network of its physiology
Event #15
Saturday 2 September 2017, 03.00 pm
Nicola Gardini
The beauty of occurring. Ovid and the network of metamorphoses
Event #21
Saturday 2 September 2017, 07.00 pm
Matteo Nucci, Valentina Carnelutti
The net of Eros. Betrayal
Event #24
Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.00 pm
Alessandro Barbero
Clandestine networks. A network of partisans: the GAP groups in Rome and the attack in Via Rasella
Event #26
Sunday 3 September 2017, 10.00 am
Emanuele Biggi
Spiders, silk and spider webs: wonders of the unloved
Event #28
Sunday 3 September 2017, 12.00 pm
Aravind Adiga, Marcello Fois
In the web: narrating families
Event #31Approfonditamente
Sunday 3 September 2017, 02.45 pm
B. Fantini, T. Pievani, S. Pimpinelli, F. Rufo
The code of life
Event #32
Sunday 3 September 2017, 03.00 pm
Anna Salvo, Tiziana Iaquinta
Adolescents caught in the Web
Event #33Approfonditamente
Sunday 3 September 2017, 03.00 pm
C. Borgomeo, U. Bressanello, G. De Michelis, G. Giunta, V. Linarello
From silent social work to community networks
Event #36
Sunday 3 September 2017, 07.00 pm
Paolo Gavazzeni, Omer Meir Wellber
The conductor, the orchestra and the score
Event #37
Sunday 3 September 2017, 07.00 pm
Matteo Nucci, Valentina Carnelutti
The net of Eros. Reconquering
Event #39
Sunday 3 September 2017, 09.00 pm
Centro Formazione Supereroi
Neverending stories. A challenge in literary improvisation
Event #40
Sunday 3 September 2017, 09.00 pm
Marco Martinelli, Ermanna Montanari
Aung San Suu Kyi’s life under arrest
Event #41
Sunday 3 September 2017, 11.00 pm
Alessandro Barbero
Clandestine networks. A network of terrorists: the Red Brigades and the kidnapping of Aldo Moro
Event #44Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September_ 9.30 am_3.00 pm
Geena Forrest
Pencil-carrying naturalists
Event #46Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September_10.00 am_3.45 pm
Fabrizio Silei
Once upon a time there was a city
Event #47Children / Kids
Saturday 2 _10.00 am_11.30 am/Sunday 3 September_11.30 am_4.30 pm
Raffaele Cesano, Print About Me
Coloring a hundred miles a minute
Event #48Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September_11.00 am_5.00 pm
The art of reclamation. DIY construction of a network of animals
Event #49Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September_ore 11.15 pm_4.45 pm
Cinzia Ghigliano
Pictures tell stories, so do we!
Event #51Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September 2017, 03.30 pm
Franco Lorenzoni
How was music born into the world?
Event #52Children / Kids
Saturday 2 _4.00 pm_5.15 pm/Sunday 3 September 10.30 am_3.30 pm
Anna Resmini, Virginia Zini
Shapes of sound. Stories of encounters between sound and color
Event #53Children / Kids
Saturday 2 _ore 4.45 pm/Sunday 3 September ore 9.30 am
Marianna Merisi
Vagabonds on a voyage
Event #54Children / Kids
Saturday 2_ore 17.30/Sunday 3 September_10.30 am
Noemi Bermani, Salvatore Panu
Suoni di c/arte
Event #55Children / Kids
Saturday 2_6.00 pm/Sunday 3 September_10.00 am
Gian Marco Malagoli, Elisa Passerini
Event #56Children / Kids
Saturday 2 September 2017, 09.00 pm
The Teatro dell’Orsa Company, Michele Ferri
Strange stories
Event #57Children / Kids
Sunday 3 September_ 9.30 am_11.15 am
Students of the I.I.S. Capellini-Sauro school of La Spezia, ScienziataMente
Find the culprit… with math!
Event #59Children / Kids
Sunday 3 September_ 10.30 am_2.45 pm_5.30 pm
Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, REMIDA
Irreverently entwined
Event #60Children / Kids
Sunday 3 September_2.45_4.30 pm
P4C – Research center on philosophical inquiry
Can thoughts be drawn?
Event #61Children / Kids
Sunday 3 September_4.00 pm_6.00
Else Edizioni
In your own words: from silent books to silk screen printing