Franco Lorenzoni
Franco Lorenzoni is a primary school teacher and founded the Casa-laboratorio di Cenci in Amelia, Umbria, a centre for educational experimentation that studies ecological, scientific, intercultural and inclusion matters. For his activity he received Lo Straniero Prize with Roberta Passoni. He contributes to the following magazines: Internazionale, Cooperazione Educativa, La vita scolastica and Gli Asini. His books include: Cinque passi per una scuola inclusiva (with R. Passoni, Erickson, 2019) and – published by Sellerio – I bambini pensano grande (2014, 2021), I bambini ci guardano (2019) and Educare controvento. Storie di maestre e maestri ribelli (2023). He directed the documentary Elementare. For his educational work in 2021 he received two honorary degrees from the Bicocca University of Milan and the University of Palermo.